1. They are free.
2. They are easy.
3. Did I mention, they are free?
For Valentine's Day over the past few years, I have tried to do something a little non-traditional for the kids at the school where my children attend. Here are some of my favorites.
For 1 year olds: Apple-Sauce Packets!
Yes.... kids that age love the little squeezables. I came across this idea on Pinterest and HAD to do it for my son's friends last year.
Here's the printable. All you need are the packets, the printables, a hole punch, and some ribbon. Voila!
For 3-4 year olds: Bubbles!!
A friend of mine got married last year and had a ton of bottles of bubbles left over. She gave me some and I knew I had to reuse them for this cool Valentine's Day project.
Here's the printable! We printed these on pink paper to make it more festive. Then we tied small bottles of bubbles to each card. Don't forget the hole punch and ribbon :)
Final project: EOS lip balm valentines!
We did these for the teachers.
Here's the printable. All you need to do is print these and then cut out the center ball. Take the lip balm apart and carefully attach it to the card.