Monday, September 14, 2015

Halloween Milk Jug Ghost Lights

Now that it is getting closer to Halloween, there are so many cool crafts you can do.  One of my favorites are Milk Jug Ghost Lights. 

Image from Easy Crafts Wiki.

For this project, you need empty milk jugs (a lot of them), a black marker, scissors, and a string of lights. 

1. Take the empty milk jugs and draw faces on them with a black marker.
2. Then, cut a hole in the back of each jug.
3. Take the strand (or strands) of lights and put a few lights in each jug.
4. Ta-da!

On Pinterest, many people have used clear lights.  To be more festive, I decided to use orange lights. I thought they looked even "spookier" than the ones on Pinterest.  My husband thinks the faces look like those ghosts on PacMan :)