Saturday, May 16, 2015

Flying With a Toddler? Check out these Treat Bags.

Someone recently linked up a story about a mom who handed out candy on a flight with her children.  She made the national news for giving out treat bags to those around her - feeling badly for them since they probably would hear her kids complain and cry at least once during the flight.

I did this three years ago and never got any media attention.  Not that I'm bitter about that or anything!  ;)

Anyways, for those of you that know me - you know that my husband and I live a far away from our families.  His lives in Michigan and mine lives in Virginia.  I have often flown alone with my kids, and there was one trip back when my daughter had just turned one when I handed out goodie bags to those sitting around us.  She had a double ear infection, which isn't the greatest thing to have when you are flying.  Since I knew she would either 1) pass out from the drugs the doc gave her before boarding, or 2) scream most of the way there, I put together some little treat bags for my flying neighbors.

The little statement that went with the candy:

She may be good, she may be bad
I'm sorry if this makes you mad!
Hope this makes your flight a little sweeter

 My flight neighbors loved this idea, and some even suggested that I should eat the candy since I would need a little treat for dealing with a sick toddler by myself.


My daughter never screamed on that flight.  It might be because I was filling her full of chocolate!  (I'm totally kidding about that last part -- all you sugar police mommies!)

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